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Keep Your Children Safe From Door Hazards With These Simple Solutions

 If you have children, you will understand the importance of ensuring they are always safe, even when you are not around to protect them. While some dangers can easily be averted, others are great at hiding in plain sight. One of such common accidents that could happen anytime, anywhere, are door-related injuries. Doors are everywhere, but did you know how dangerous they can be for your little kids? A closing door can easily exert enough pressure to break bones or even amputate a child's finger, which is both painful and traumatising. But if you look at it, there are only two sides of a door, so preventing such injuries is still relatively easy. You must install a high-quality door hinge finger guard for the hinge side, and for the handle side, you must get a door closer. Let's check out how these devices can save you that midnight trip to the emergency room. Door Closers it is common for people to get their hands or fingers caught between a closing door. Maybe someone clo
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