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Showing posts from April, 2018

Where can finger guards be fitted?

Children below the age of five or construction workers are more likely to be at risk of trapping their fingers between doors and door frames. Finger guards have long been the most effective way to avoid these door-related finger injuries. But where can they be fitted? Though there aren’t any special laws which state that door finger guards must be fitted but because of the manner in which safety legislation is drafted, if it’s an accepted practice to fit them in certain settings, then not fitting them could result in prosecution. Finger guards should always be fitted in nurseries, kindergartens, and indoor playgrounds intended for little kids. Anyway, most local authorities will firmly insist on installing it. Considering that they don’t cost much, it’s a small price to head off a hefty fine. For other types of premises, managers will need to assess the likelihood of an injury. Finger trapping risks increase where the door is heavy. If you think there’s a serious risk

Baby-proofing the doors with finger guards

Lively, reckless, curious, and brimming with zest – children are undaunted explorers. Unfortunately, this same excitement for life can easily result in accidents. Young children often grip and feel their surroundings, so when they are near a closing doorway, they are at risk of suffering severe injuries such as crushed and fractured fingers or fingertips. Each year, tens of thousands of kids trap and crush their fingers in doors both at home and in public places such as school, shops or clinics. Trapped finger injuries can be very excruciating and terrifying for the kid – and an even more nerve-racking experience for the parent. The good news is, despite being a very critical hazard, door-related finger injuries are unusually simple to avoid with door finger guards . As the name suggests, finger guards or hinge guards can effectively prevent traumatic finger injuries on the hinge side of the door. This straightforward preventive measure blocks doors slamming shut on fingers, e