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Showing posts from June, 2018

What to do in case of a door-related finger injury?

Every year, thousands of children trap and injure their fingers in doors openings. Though most of these injuries can be easily avoided when the right door safety products are in place, accidents can still occur. In those unfavourable occasions, it is important to know what can be done in order to help the injured child as effectively and soon as possible. When faced with a finger trap injury caused due to a door accidentally closing on a finger, it can be really hard to tell whether the injury has resulted in a broken finger, dislocation or just a sprain.  The reason for this is that the symptoms of a finger trap injury tend to be consistent (the injured area will be swollen with limited or no movement at all. On the other hand, in some severe instances, the injury can even give ground for amputation of the finger. To all intents and purposes, the most likely extreme case is a broken finger. If you have a sneaking suspicion that the finger is fractured or dislocated, yo

Reinforce Door Safety in Your Home With Door Safety Products

Little ones really do have an endless obsession with the doors. Nevertheless, you wouldn’t want them to be your baby’s favourite play toy as unprotected doors can come with some hostile safety concerns. Fortunately, there are many door safety products you can choose from to baby proof the doors in your home. Anti-door slam device is one door safety product that needs special attention. This piece of equipment creates a physical layer between your child’s fingers and the door, preventing them from being slammed against the door. Not to mention, these devices are pretty easy to install, use and remove without residue. door hinge guards Be mindful of the fact that door safety is not just a phase for kids up to 2 years of age. There are many instances of much more aged children trapping their fingers between the door hinges and getting their fingers injured. Even a fairly large number of grown-ups sustain door-related finger injuries. This is why door safety should be a p

Installing Door Finger Guards Should be a Standard Practise Everywhere

Door-related accidents and injuries are more common than you would like to believe. And still, there is little to no awareness among people regarding door safety. Little ones at your home are most vulnerable to minor door-related accidents. Toddlers – being the curious little souls they are – want to explore every area of the home and unbeknown to you, they can stretch out their fingers to the gaps and grasp the door frame. Needless to say, this can lead to some serious trouble. Scratches and cuts are minor injuries, but did you know some extreme cases of door-related finger injuries can also result in finger amputation? This may sound alarming but fortunately, these accidents and the injuries that follow can easily be avoided with the right child safety measures in place – take door finger protector , for example. But, what if the place has no children around? Then there’s no risk of door-related injuries, right? Wrong! Unprepared adults and elderly people too can acc