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Showing posts from October, 2018

Is your home absolutely safe for your little one?

As soon as your baby starts to crawl, they will naturally want to begin exploring the home and many a time, they will get into some trouble as well. Your home should, therefore, be safe enough for your little one and their endless curiosity. That being said, making sure your child is safe and happy at all times can make you feel just a bit overwhelmed, especially if this is your first child. Thankfully, there is a convenient and effective way to do away with all the unnecessary stress: installing door finger protector . You may not know this but door-related injuries are, in fact, some of the most common (and painful) injuries that a small child can experience. This is where finger protectors do an excellent job as they are specially designed to protect your little one’s fingers from being pinched or crushed between a closing door and its frame. In addition, installing door finger guards is really easy and takes no longer than a few minutes. Sure, it may seem a bit intimida

Prevent your tiny one’s fingers from door-related injuries

One of the most common ways a child can be injured is when they get their fingers trapped between a door and its frame. In fact, nearly 30,000 children and toddlers trap their fingers in closing doors in and around the home every year – and that is in the U.K. alone. These statistics are alarming because a finger trap injury is not only agonizingly unpleasant but can also end up with persistent complications. In some cases, it could even lead to amputation. So, as a parent, you should take it upon yourself to make sure everything is in order. Needless to say, you cannot keep an eye on your kid every time and this is where a  door hinge guard  can come in handy. door hinge guard Hinge guards are small  door safety products  that can be installed on just about any type of door in order to prevent them from closing all of a sudden, further protecting your little one’s delicate fingers. Door-related finger injuries are not to be taken lightly. If your child suffers a finger trap in