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Showing posts from January, 2020

Doors are dangerous! Make them childproof

When it comes to preventing your children from unwanted injuries, as a parent, you want to do everything you can. Door safety is also a key consideration for your children’s safety. So, don’t ignore protecting the dangerous hinges areas of your doors. More than 30,000 children’s fingers are trapped between doors’ hinges each year. So, installing them in your residence should be on top of your priority list. Children and toddlers are most at the risk of finger trapping accidents. They don’t realise the dangers of door slamming until it is too late. By making your home’s door safe with door finger protector , you can feel a sense of relief. Also, you can make sure that your entrances are childproof as soon your children can crawl. Schools, nurseries, and even homes are places where children crush their fingers between the entrance’s hinges ad frames by slamming them. As a parent, you should be educated on what to do in case of a finger amputation incident. If there is an amputation

Child Door Safety Equipment Online: Door Finger Protector® review

If you work in a place where children interact with doors daily, you know very well how vital finger protectors are! Schools, nurseries, or day-care facilities are more susceptible places to finger trapping accidents. In a recent report, plastic surgeons warn that children and toddlers whose fingers are trapped between doorway's hinge sides by closing/opening them can end up with lifelong problems. According to the British Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (Bapras), finger entrapment injuries in rare cases could result in amputation. In the U.K, about thirty thousand of children’s fingers are trapped between the door hinge sides and its frame. Children and toddlers are more at the risk of finger crushing injuries. Thankfully, the door finger protection device is available in the market to prevent this accident from happening. Door Finger Protector® is the world’s only modular safety system, designed for all type of doors. This finger protector is designed

Door finger trapping injuries with children and toddlers ‘can be lifelong problem’

Door finger trapping injuries with children and toddlers ‘can be a lifelong problem.’ According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA), about 30,000 children crush their fingers between doors each year. In a recent report by ROSPA, plastic surgeons warn that children and toddlers whose fingers are trapped by closing or opening doors can end up with lifelong problems like amputation. Door finger trapping accidents can impact an injured child’s educational development and ability to do everyday tasks. According to the British Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (BAPRAS), sliding doors and hinges are the top two causes of finger and hand injuries in children and toddlers. So, they advise all types of building owners to invest in door finger protectors . Purchasing and installing these products in all doors of your place can help to reduce this possibility and keep wandering fingers safe. Let’s take a look at two highly effective door safety gua

School board sued after student suffers a finger trap injury

As a school owner, you should put door safety guards high on your priority list. Why? Because the risk of finger entrapment injuries from doors that don’t have stoppers or safety guards is always there, but the schools with developing children are more susceptible to these accidents. The occurrence of these accidents can land your school into financial and reputational trouble. Fortunately, entrapment accidents can be effectively prevented with the use of door finger protectors . So, make sure these safety measures are in place at your establishment to protect the children in your care. Let’s take a look at the report of a finger trapping accident in middle school, which occurred back in October 2017. The family of a little girl student sued her school after her three middle fingertips were severed by a slamming door. The minor student got up to ask a question to her French teacher at MacArthur Middle School when she placed her hand on the class’s door jamb and was looking ou