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Showing posts from February, 2020

Door finger guards to keep your little one's fingers safe

Children are curious by nature. They seem positively drawn to reaching their little fingers everywhere they can – including the “high-risk” gap between the door and the door jamb. Not surprisingly, if a child gets their fingers caught between a closing door, it can lead to nasty injuries. This is where door finger guards come in! Door finger guards are one of the many baby-proofing essentials! As we mentioned above, children are curious. If they see a door closing, they will want to investigate what is going on and why. That being said, it is also very easy for toddlers to trap their delicate fingers in between the unprotected door hinges. Painful door-related finger injuries are actually pretty common. According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), more than 15,000 children suffer from door-related finger injuries each year… and this is in the UK alone! A door finger protection device can eliminate this worry, though. Door finger guards can be ret