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Showing posts from May, 2020

Systematic inspection of doors can help you reduce finger trap accidents

Finger trap accidents in schools can be reduced to a large extent by conducting a systematic inspection of all doors. The inspection will help in determining the degree of risk and what actions should be taken to reduce that risk. During a systematic inspection of doors, there are many factors that should be considered. First of all, review your school’s previous accident records to find out which doors, in particular, were involved in previous finger trapping accidents. You should inspect the condition of the doors thoroughly. The areas that can lead to accidents or serious injury should be checked, for example, the leading edge. Are the doors in your school fitted with safety products like the door hinge finger guards ? It is important to find out. Although both adults and children can equally be a victim of finger trapping accidents, small children are more prone to these accidents. So, if you are an owner of a preschool, nursery, or daycare, you should be more careful. Make s

What’s the big deal about finger protection for kids?

Kids seem so attracted towards giving their little fingers in between the doors as they close or shut abruptly. We know you just said Ouch! Of course, these are accidental incidents, but as expected, these lead to a lot of pinched finger injuries and a bucket full of tears. But, this is where door finger protection comes into play. And having installed a sturdy door hinge guard is certainly a big deal! You may be bombarded with bits of advice from everywhere concerning kids' safety, but this one needs to be treated with the utmost respect and open ears. It is alarming that thousands of kids all around the world injure their fingers due to no safety measures employed with regards to doors. But these injuries and the excruciating pain can be avoided with better planning and products. Using a door finger protection guard is a suitable, unique, affordable, and an easy to maintain the solution. This little tool is absolutely safe to use in any environment, including schools, hosp

Benefits of Using High-Quality Door Finger Protectors

It is very dangerous when safety hinges are not in place. Getting a finger trapped is the primary consequence that results from it. Finger entrapment may not only lead to mental trauma but also physical suffering. This is where door finger protectors come to play. These are a mighty tool for the prevention of finger injuries. Door hinge protectors are strongly recommended for schools, hospitals, kitchens, baby clinics, daycare centres, senior care facilities and other such places where kids and adults are both vulnerable to finger injuries. When you choose to install durable, certified, and high-quality door finger protectors, they prove highly advantageous. And the benefits of a door hinge protector may include, but aren’t limited to the following: It maximises protection when kids are around. It prevents minor wounds from turning into significant injuries. It saves the kids from pinching their fingers between the doors at school, home or daycare etc. People with special needs

How to prevent finger pinch accidents?

Finger pinch accidents are a common occurrence in places like schools and day-care centres. These accidents are very painful for both children and adults alike. And if the case is severe, they will need correct medical attention as soon as possible. Finger pinch accidents occur when the finger is held in between the door and the frame on the hinge side.  Generally, children are more prone to finger pinch accidents. They can fall prey to this kind of accident while playing or fighting. While playing or fighting, they may slam or shut a door without knowing that fingers can be trapped in between the door and the frame. Finger pinch accidents can also occur when someone closes the car door or drawers door before the fingers are removed from the path. The best way to avoid finger pinch accidents is to be aware of the danger and educate children about it. It is good to teach them the correct ways of opening and closing the doors to avoid any kind of accident taking place. Also, you