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Showing posts from July, 2020

How to childproof schools and nurseries?

How can authorities childproof the premises of schools and nurseries? Secure the space with door hinge finger guards! Doors, cupboards, and door hinges can hurt the fingers of children. But by installing heavy-duty hinge guards, you can minimise finger entrapment injuries in schools and nurseries. Door hinge finger protectors serve as a shield to cover the openings on the hinge side of a door and prevent fingers from getting crushed, smashed, broken, jammed, or amputated (in severe cases). Kids are not as responsible or careful as adults, and many times lecturing too doesn’t work. So it would be best if you put the right precautionary measures in place and not compromise with their safety. Doors are often not seen as potential sources of danger, but they are! People underestimate the severity of finger entrapment injuries – but in reality, kids who do sustain such wounds are the ones to bear excruciating pain or even live with an impairment for the rest of their life.  Deployi

How to Choose the Best Hinge Finger Guard?

Each year more than three hundred thousand finger injuries all over the world result from door-related accidents. The damages, often born out of negligence include trapped and crushed bones and finger amputation in critical cases. More than anything, it is the excruciating pain and suffering that makes the situation worse, especially for kids. However, fitting suitable  door hinge finger guards  is a simple and most economical safety measure. It is particularly useful in homes, schools, and hospitals where children and adults are more vulnerable to the sustainment of entrapment discomfort. In fact, in several states, commercial establishments are mandated to comply with the statutory regulations of installing high-quality hinge finger guards to avoid long term damages and legal liabilities. But, how to choose the best door hinge finger guards for your particular facility? Make sure the one you select is heavy-duty, durable, budget-friendly, and fits the door correctly. The anti

Here’s A Quick Door Finger Protector Checklist

Door finger protectors exist because entrapment incidents have always been on the rise. Such accidents lead to severe injuries, disabilities, amputation, and even death in critical cases. Finger entrapment is especially painful for kids, and several states put standard guidelines in place for child care safety, particularly for administration and facility managers. Door hinge finger protectors don’t replace the need for supervision. But these are safety equipment that assists you in creating a more protected environment for kids. So, here’s a quick checklist for you to ensure that the risks of finger accidents are minimized: Visually inspect the door that needs door finger protectors. Make sure you examine each entryway kids have access to. Properly install a superior-quality  door finger protector . Wherever installed, see if those guards cover the hinges on either side of the doors. Make sure every  door hinge finger protector is  cleaned with non-toxic cleaning agents. Do