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Showing posts from August, 2020

Preventing Finger Entrapment Injuries Is Easy – Try This!

According to The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA), it is estimated that over 30,000 people each year in the United Kingdom are a victim to finger entrapment injuries due to high-risk doors. The stats are shocking. Plus, these are not only superficial bruises or abrasions. Often, entrapment injuries lead to crushed fingers, prolonged recovery period, months of reconstructive work, or even amputation in severe cases. However, accidental trapping in both the handle and hinge side of the door is preventative if the facility or homeowners are slightly more cautious. Several precautionary measures can be put in place to ensure the doors are safer for kids and vulnerable adults. Amongst these measures are door hinge finger protectors that can save the kids and adults from excruciating pain and all the associated discomforts. Even a simple foam strip works to serve the purpose. However, we always recommend people to invest in commercial-grade protectors that do not just

Door Finger Injuries Can Be Lifelong, Hinge Guards Come To Your Rescue!

Children love playing, jumping around, and staying carefree. Besides all the fun and games, accidents are part of their play or even otherwise. One of the dangers that may severely injure kids, especially between the ages of one and fourteen, is closing doors. You may have seen handle side slamming all the more often. But, hinge side entrapments are also a common sight where the pain and damage are uncomfortable and excruciating.  School authorities take several stringent measures to keep up with the security of the facility. But they sometimes forget or avoid placing most straightforward safety measures like  door hinge finger guards .  Respected cosmetic and plastic surgeons from BAPRAS or the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons also warn how crushed fingers, in certain circumstances, can end up with lifelong impairment. This is why schools must ensure installing hinge guards on all suitable and high-risk doors. According to BAPRAS, hinges, vehicl

Safety Around Doors and Hinges in Schools

Kids at school are indeed prone to injuries while running, playing, or walking around inattentively. As a facility owner, what you can do best for their safety is to install protective devices that may avert the dangers in your absence. We understand you cannot go behind every kid, which is why durable and premium safety tools come to the rescue. What kids need to be more careful about are door related injuries. We know how to handle side of the door slams the little fingers or hands of kids while closing. But hinge sides are equally dangerous both while opening and closing. Hinges trap the fingers and lead to bruises, pinched skin, crushed bones, and whatnot. If the damage is severe, like in case of amputation or other lifelong impairment, settlement can exceed several hundred pounds. So, the best way to prevent such hazards and your legal liabilities is to use protective guards that avoid injuries even before they happen. While foam strips are useful for corners and knob side of

Door Safety for Kids at Home

Besides a daycare centre, school, or outside, home is where most kids injure themselves. The annual statistics are alarming with more than 300,000 kids every year, facing entrapment injuries in particular. So it is always best to lower the risk by either incorporating the suitable safety measures or removing the possible dangers.  One such possible risk at home is a  door . As opposed to several other things on the checklist, doors get the least attention. But every door at your home must be childproofed to ensure the safety of kids (even adults) and avoid mishappenings.  The hinge side of the door can pinch the fingertips of kids, and handle side of the door can slam or crush their fingers – these the two most common type of injuries kids face. More than anything else, it is excruciating pain and discomfort that feels traumatic. In most cases, kids require emergency medical care. And the injuries can range from pain, anxiety, bruises to crushed bones and other severe damage (necessi