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Showing posts from March, 2021

It's time you create a safe environment for your children.

Safety is one of the most vital aspects of raising children. As a parent and caregiver, you need to do everything in your power to protect your little ones from any harmful stop both outdoors and at home. We pay close attention to the environment's overall safety before we let our children play with peace of mind. The layout of your environment plays a critical role in the prevention of accidents. Nevertheless, you can prevent most of these accidents by carefully observing the danger and applying for childproof protection. Finger guard for doors Even though it may seem entirely innocent and safe initially, it is a widespread case that a child gets hurt by a door. Imagine what would happen if a heavy door slam shut and a child gets their finger smashed between the door. This accident can result in broken, bruised, or even crushed hands or fingers—an unforgettable trauma that requires immediate medical attention and most likely a visit to the hospital. The best way for you, as a

Prevent your doors from slamming shut!

Whether you want to let some fresh air flow through your room by opening the door or your children are overexcited to go outside and play: a door can slam shut without any warning and can cause you or your loved one's injury. Most homeowners often ignore and forget that open doors and windows must be fixed or protected to prevent them from slamming against the wall. Slamming windows and doors are not only loud and scary for kids, but they are also a significant danger for pinching your fingers. Even though you can choose to install door finger guards to prevent your fingers from being pinched between the door and its frame, a slamming door can still end up hurting your fingers. Door blockers or door slam stoppers can help prevent your doors from slamming shut without a moment's notice. Door breakers are the perfect consumer-friendly safeguard and a long-term solution for slamming doors. Both inside or outside doors can be adequately secured by installing a door stopper eith