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Showing posts from May, 2021

Jammed Finger Injuries Can Leave a Severe Impact

Kids under the age of five tend to be particularly prone to injuries from doors. Whenever children get their hands or fingers jammed in between doors and hinges, they may end up with a fractured, crushed, or even an amputated finger.   The hinge side of a door is the part that often causes the most complicated injuries, especially for young children aged from 1 – 5 years. On the other hand, older children tend to hurt themselves more often towards the handle or opening side of the door.   Even though you may feel like these injuries are not a big deal, it could require you to rush your child to a hospital and may even leave a long-lasting mental scar on the young ones.   Door hinge guards Most door accidents happen towards the hinge side of a door rather than from the opening side. Door finger guards can help you and your family prevent any injuries from the hinge side of the door without much effort.  These are long flexible strips that can be installed along the entire hinge of

Child safety is a critical aspect of parenting! Make sure you do it right.

Safety is of the uttermost importance for children. As a parent and a caregiver, you need to do everything in your power to protect the little ones from all types of dangers. Be it at home or outside; we tend to pay close attention to the overall safety of the environment before we allow our children to play without any stress. Since no one wants their child to get hurt, child safety should never be ignored. The layout of your environment plays a critical role in preventing any accidents. By carefully observing all the dangers present in your home and applying for child-proof protection, you can proactively prevent most accidents. The danger of doors At first look, a door may seem harmless, but it is still too often the case that a kid gets hurt by a door. Imagine a heavy wooden door slamming shut against a child's hand or finger, smashing the bones. It is going to become an unforgettable trauma that is going to require immediate medical attention. Various child safety solution