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Showing posts from September, 2021

Important safety rules that a parent needs to follow!

Constantly watching over your kid’s every action might not be possible, even if you are at home. With that being said, let's look at a few practical rules that can help make sure your children stay out of harm's way even if you are not around. Stop opening the door for strangers You need to instruct your children to keep the doors locked at all times and only open for family members. They need to know if any stranger rings the doorbell, they should stay put and not open the door immediately. This is even more critical for children who are old enough to be at home alone. You can also ensure safety around doors by installing a door hinge finger protector that prevents your children from any finger entrapment accidents. Always have a family emergency contact list in handy all households need to have an emergency contact list written down or printed and kept someplace central. If a disaster strikes, family members should be able to reach it and contact others if required. Te

Door safety is crucial if you have children at your home!

We have seen many cases where children in homes, daycare centres, and preschool accidentally get their hands or fingers caught between the door and the frame. This incident tends to result in a nasty bruise on the fingers or hand or even a broken fingernail: nevertheless, if it is severe, it may lead to amputation. Fingers and hands stuck in a doorway are among the most common causes of an accident amongst kids, especially under the age of five. If it occurs in a commercial property, the potential liability for medical attention associated with such an injury may cost you thousands of dollars. Get door hinge protectors today! A Door hinge finger protector should be your top priority when it comes to childproofing any facility or house. It is the best way to prevent children and adults from getting their fingers or hands stuck between the door and its frame. This is why you must take the required measures to prevent any door related injuries before they happen. An affordable i

Beware of Finger Pinch Injuries!

Studies have shown that more than 300,000 door-related accidents require emergency medical attention each year! Children, especially under four, tend to suffer the most from door-related injuries that ultimately require an operation or even amputation. Like all other types of hazards that little children face every day, these door related injuries can also be prevented easily. You can find a highly effective and inexpensive door finger protector online to help you avoid any devastating injury on your property or organization. Door safety equipment There are multiple types of door safety equipment that you can use to prevent any accidents at home. Automatic door closers that slow down a swinging door can help you prevent severe injuries around the knob side of the door. However, most critical injuries often take place towards the hinge side of the door. As a door closes, the area between the door and its frame can exert pressure as much as 40 tons per square inch! Nevertheless, y