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Showing posts from October, 2021

Importance of door finger guards

In a preschool or a daycare centre, the overall well-being and safety of young children in your care should always be your top priority. Studies show that more than 100,000 door-related injuries require emergency room operations each year, with kids under the age of four being the most vulnerable. Not only is it going to be painful for the children, but if the damage is severe, it may also require amputation, which can be terrifying. Studies also suggest that more than 90% of these injuries sustained at a child daycare facility could have easily been prevented by using better safety awareness and precaution. This is why it is essential for all daycare centres and other organizations that facilitate young kids to have all the proper safety measures (Such as a door hinge protector ) to prevent any accidents. Keep in mind that when there is an accident, it will end up hurting the children and may also cause a financial and reputational loss to the organization. Solution? Door finger pro

How vital is door safety in nurseries and schools?

As the owner or manager of a school, it is your responsibility to assess the risk of any finger entrapment accidents within the premises and take the required action if you find that the risk is significant. By installing door finger guards, you can quickly mitigate any door entrapment injuries! Door-related injuries are being targeted by health and safety inspectors and other local authorities who consider installing a door hinge finger protector a good practice, if not essential in a few places. High risk for young children All nursery managers/proprietors and headteachers must ensure that they get door finger guards installed to all high-risk doors such as classrooms, entrance and exits, toilet doors, and emergency exits. Secondary schools and post sixteen establishments should also assess all the risks that young children can access, such as the reception area. Nurseries and schools need to get the right kind of door hinge protectors installed the first time to avoid any acc