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Showing posts from August, 2022

Door-Related Injuries And Their Prevention

 Trapping your hand or fingers in a door is much more painful than you think. These accidents can result in crushed and broken fingers and damaged ligaments and may even lead to amputations. Accident stats show more than 300,000 door-related injuries are treated at emergency clinics every year. Twenty-five thousand of these injuries tend to result in fractures or amputations. Unfortunately, studies show that several children suffer from such school accidents. These are alarming stats, and there are often liabilities associated with such accidents. This liability extends to the owners of several buildings and all businesses, including child care centres, schools, recreation centres, restaurants, and other such establishments. If you wish to prevent all door-related injuries in your vicinity, you can consider replacing all high-traffic doors with PVC curtains . It will help you improve overall visibility and prevent accidents. However, it is not wise to replace all doors with PVC curt

An Ideal Solution To Finger Entrapment Injuries

 The safety and well-being of all children in a daycare centre should always be your number one priority. Studies show more than 300,000 door-related accidents every year often require an emergency visit to the hospital, with kids under four being most vulnerable to such injuries. A finger entrapment injury can often lead to fractures, ligament damage, bruising, and may even require amputation. Safety experts estimate that almost 90% of all injuries sustained in schools and children day care facilities could have been easily prevented with the help of better safety awareness and precautions. You must understand that an accident in your vicinity can cause a severe reputational and financial loss to your business. But most importantly, it can be a daunting and traumatic experience for the children involved, which may even lead to lifelong issues. It is essential for all commercial properties which facilitate young kids to have proper safety measures in place to help them prevent any ac