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Showing posts from February, 2024

The Overlooked Threat Of Doors And How To Address It

 Whenever you think about an accident, you think of accidents outside the house. However, it might come as a surprise that around 45% of all non-intensive injury deaths take place in or around the home. This is a sobering and scary thought at the same time. It's no secret that we all want our homes to be the safest place for our family. When childproofing a home, we pay much attention to door locks, furniture, and other potential threats in and around our home. However, most people generally forget to address the door! You can find doors everywhere, but people rarely consider them a threat. But did you know that a closing door can exert around 40 tons of pressure per square inch? This much pressure is enough to fracture, break, and even amputate your finger! Nevertheless, there are certain things like teaching door safety and installing door finger protection , that you can do to address this issue permanently! Preventing Door-Related Accidents At Home! The best way to address t

Childproofing: What Is It And How To Do It Right?

 Childproofing your residence is critical to keep your kids out of harm's way. As a guardian or parent, ensuring the safety of your kids should always be your top priority. Childproofing is turning your home into a safe environment for kids by identifying and addressing potential hazards. Several tools can help you address any area that could pose a risk to curious young minds, from door finger protection to electrical outlet covers. Childproofing your home will allow young kids to play and explore their environment independently while giving caregivers peace of mind. It is an ongoing commitment to help create a nurturing environment that supports your child's development without killing their curiosity. Let us check out the top three products all parents must consider installing in their homes. Door Finger Protection Doors are infamous for causing severe injuries to kids, especially those under five! A closing door can exert enough pressure to amputate a small finger from

How Doors Pose Risks And How To Safeguard Against Them

 Doors are everywhere – on the exterior of your building at multiple exits throughout the property and inside. While doors may have originally served as a way to help cut down on outside distractions or allow people to enter and exit a building, they now play a critical role in keeping us safe. While we see commercial and residential properties using doors and additional locking devices to improve safety, it is also a fact that doors send thousands of individuals to the emergency room. It is a scary and sobering thought at the same time. How To Prevent Accidents With Doors? The best way to prevent injuries or accidents on your property, especially from doors and windows, is by taking all essential precautions like installing door finger guards and window locks. There are several simple arrangements that you can make on your property to ensure you are doing your best to prevent injuries. A few ways you can make your doors safe include: Installing door stoppers can help you prevent