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What Happens When You Pinch Your Finger In The Door?

Finger pinch injuries are especially common with kids and vulnerable adults. Their imprudence or health complications leave them exposed to threats such as high-risk doors in homes or facilities. But they are not the only ones; anyone can pinch their fingers in the hinge or knob side of the door.

If you have ever caught your finger in a door, or in case any of your family or facility members smash their finger in a door, a few common symptoms are to look for.

Any trauma or injury caused to those precious fingers may lead to:

  • Throbbing pain
  • Swelling and redness
  • Abrasion
  • Stiffness
  • Difficulty using finger
  • Loss of sensation
  • Injured fingernail
  • Fingernail falling off
  • Pain that goes up to the shoulder

Many of these indications subside in 12-15 days. However, depending on the severity, a few signs may take much longer in recovering. 

What Should You Do For Immediate Relief?

Rest: As painful, the injury may be, stop whatever you are doing. Access the damage, stay calm, and check the extent of care you would require.

Ice: Apply an ice pack to the injured finger for not more than 15 minutes every 30 minutes throughout the day.

Ointment: If the skin is torn or your nail is affected, clean it thoroughly and gently use an OTC antibacterial ointment.

Medication: Anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving medicines can help reduce swelling, pain, or infections.

When to Seek Medical Help?

Speak to a medical professional immediately if you observe the following signs:

  • Unable to straighten your finger
  • Noticeable bent
  • Deep wounds
  • Numbness
  • Pus or bleeding
  • Nail bed, joints, or knuckles are injured
  • At-home care does not work
  • Breaking or cracking sounds

The Takeaway

Broken, smashed, or pinched fingers may not always be that serious, but if they are, you must seek help. Injuries may lead to severe infections and excruciating pain. Not receiving proper care or critical damage may require amputation.

Homeowners and facility authorities are thus advised to use door finger protection devices that help prevent such injuries from happening in the first place.

Door hinge guards are the safest and most effective devices to reduce the threat of high-risk doors. These reduce the speed of the doors, so they do not shut abruptly. You can buy guards that match your aesthetics and also perform well. But make sure you invest in heavy-duty designs and professional installation to make the most of these protective devices. Promptly seek medical assistance if the discomforts persist even days after.


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